Sweeping the shores

Sweeping the shores

September 14, 2024, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Blackie Spit Park • Surrey

Join us for a beach cleanup at Blackie Spit Park in Surrey! Help us keep our shores clean and beautiful while enjoying the natural surroundings.

Event Recap:

The Conservation Department of the British Columbia Métis Federation hosted its final shoreline cleanup of the season on September 14th, 2024, at Blackie Spit Park. Despite the rainy weather, dedicated volunteers showed up in full force, putting their hearts into the task of protecting this beautiful coastal area. Their efforts made a significant impact, as they worked to remove debris and ensure the park remains a safe, clean habitat for local wildlife.

To keep spirits high, The Sunflower Café generously donated their famous scones, providing a tasty treat for everyone involved. And just when hunger kicked in, Natalino's Pizza came through with box after box of fresh, delicious pizza, giving volunteers the fuel they needed to finish strong. It was an incredible day filled with community spirit, showing that rain or shine, the commitment to protecting our shorelines never falters.

Sweeping the shores

September 14, 2024, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PMBlackie Spit Park, Surrey

For more info contact:

Angel Fisher
Angel FisherDirector of Conservation Department Email
Zia Yazdani
Zia YazdaniConservation ManagerEmail

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